My Dajie, Clair Mok

Today my Dajie turns 30 and I suppose an obligated congratulatory message is too understated for what she has achieved today and how she has impacted my life. She is my older sister, the best friend I will ever have and the only one who truly understands me. Many of you don't know much about her because social media platforms ain't her thang and her social life far exceeds what technology can dictate.

My Dajie - It's either you hate her or love her. I can think of no one who is as brilliant, capable, intellectual and just in general, a smartass. And as if being academically equipped is not enough, she has plenty of wisdom to dispense (and quotes I don't know where she plucks out from) and ready to advise based on her perspectives, which sometimes could be very enlightening, at times very peculiar..... She is well read and has a good understanding of the world; Though she may be physically based in Singapore but never in her life has she stopped pursuing a better understanding of the world. Everyday before the sun comes up, she listens to endless podcasts of all sorts, be it social problems, medical findings, or political debates, she knows a little from everything.

She is precise, organised and always bull's eye when addressing a problem. Those who hate her detest her words, which they find offensive, and those who shun her lack her lustre and confidence. I'm not saying she is perfect in every way and in every word she utters, but she is oddly right most of the time. WHICH IS ANNOYING.


When I was little, I wanted to be just like her. I wanted to dress like her, act like her, eat like her and laugh at the same things. She makes me want to be more like her, and it doesn't stop there. Today, I still look up to her and never understood why she has always swayed my opinions, just like that... 

She is that rare gem who does not want a superior language over another, and strives to be better at making both languages her "first language". And for that, I want to be just like her, and be proud of being bilingual.
I once asked her if she is afraid of turning 30 (when she was around 27++), and to my astonishment, she confidently told me that she was already looking forward to turning 30. I mean, what a breath of fresh air! She spoke of what she envisioned her life to be and where she is now, and how she has made everything work her way - Turning 30 is not just an inevitable milestone in life but a reminder of her achievements. How inspiring! And for that, I want to be like her.

She finishes what she sets out to do. To have what she has at 30 and to also have her looks and body, it is no wonder that she views the number "30" with much excitement. There is a beauty in her fearless wisdom I aspire to equip myself with. 

So to my Dajie - Happy 30th Birthday! Where you are today is because of who you are and what you were groomed to be. May God continue to stretch you into conquering more fears and life's challenges so you can continue to be an excellent role model for me. hehe. I love you so much sometimes I think you should write a bible for me.